IUD Insertion2020-08-19T16:01:28+10:00

IUD (Intra-Uterine Device) Insertion in Melbourne at Yarra Medical

IUD insertion is available in inner-city Melbourne at Yarra Medical’s Richmond clinic. Book an initial 10 to 15-minute appointment with Dr Liz Morris today online or call 03 9428 6200.

Your IUD options

IUDs are highly effective contraceptive devices which are safe, long-lasting (5+ years) and appropriate for women of all ages, whether or not they have ever been pregnant. There are two types of IUDs available. Let’s have a look at them.

Mirena IUD

The Mirena is a hormonal IUD which lasts for up to five years. It releases a type of hormone called progesterone into the womb that prevents pregnancy via two actions. It thickens the mucus in the cervix to prevent sperm reaching or fertilising an egg, and it thins the lining of the uterus which makes the egg less likely to implant.

With a Mirena IUD, periods usually lighten, become less painful and, for around 50% of women, stop altogether. This makes it a great option for women who have heavy or painful periods, like those that can occur in endometriosis.

Copper IUD

The Copper IUD is a hormone-free method of contraception that, depending on the type, can last for up to 10 years. It’s made up of thin strands of copper that are twisted around it, which effect sperm and make it less likely that they fertilise an egg or that the egg implants in the lining of the womb.

The Copper IUD is a great contraceptive for those who want to avoid hormone-based options and are happy to continue their natural cycle. Periods can be heavier during the first year, but generally settle back to normal thereafter.


  • Initial appointment – $80 ($43 GAP)
  • Insertion – $270 ($150 GAP) (includes removal if required)
  • Removal – $80 ($43 GAP)
  • IUD – Patient to collect from pharmacy (please check your local pharmacy for stock and price)