Polio Vaccine2019-03-18T14:35:22+11:00

Polio Vaccine

Not all GP clinics in Melbourne stock travel vaccinations, however Yarra Medical stocks a full range of travel vaccines including the polio vaccine.

The best defence against polio is the polio vaccine, which is recommended for all children and adults. It comes in the form of an injection, and is a combination shot (meaning it contains vaccines to other diseases) when given to infants at two, four and six months, and children at four years of age.

Adults receiving the vaccine for the first time get three injections with four weeks between doses. This is important to note if travelling to high-risk areas, such as Nigeria, India, Pakistan and Afghanistan, as you will need to come in and see us at least three months before your departure date.

If you are already vaccinated, you only need a booster if you are travelling to a high-risk area or your work brings you into contact with live poliovirus (such as lab work). Come in and speak with us to make sure you are protected.

In Victoria, the polio vaccine is free for:

  • Children nine years of age or younger.
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

Since 2000, Australia, along with the entire western Pacific region, has been declared polio-free. However, it is important that we keep vaccination levels at the highest possible levels, otherwise polio could become a problem in Australia again.

Side effects of the polio vaccine

The polio vaccine is considered safe and side effects are uncommon, but you may experience a lump or pain at site of injection, mild fever, irritability (particularly in children) or drowsiness. These symptoms are generally mild and do not require any specific treatment.

What is polio?

Polio is a serious infectious disease caused by the poliovirus. It is spread when a person comes into contact with infected faeces or saliva, and is therefore most likely encountered in areas with poor sanitation. Most recover fully, but some are left with permanent nerve and muscle damage that can result in lifelong disability.

Polio symptoms

Symptoms usually present 3-35 days after infection, and can include headache, nausea, stiffness of the back and neck, and muscle pain.

For more information please view the Better Health website.

For information on other vaccines, see also:

Typhoid vaccine

Hepatitis A vaccine

Hepatitis B vaccine

HPV vaccine

Measles vaccine

Meningococcal vaccine

Whooping cough vaccine