ADHD Assessment2024-03-11T23:39:09+11:00

ADHD Assessment

Did you know that all GPs at Yarra Medical can provide prescription medication for ADHD in collaboration with your treating psychiatrist?

Here’s how it works

  • Initial Assessment
    • You’ll start by discussing your symptoms with your GP. They will evaluate your symptoms and medical history to determine if a referral for an ADHD assessment is appropriate.
  • Referral
    • If your GP decides that a referral is needed, they will provide you with a referral letter to a psychiatrist who specialises in ADHD assessments under item 291. This letter will include information about your symptoms and the reason for the referral.
  • Appointment with Psychiatrist
    • Once you have the referral letter, you can schedule an appointment with a psychiatrist who specialises in ADHD. During this appointment, the psychiatrist will conduct a thorough assessment, which may include interviews, questionnaires, and other assessments to gather information about your symptoms and their impact on your daily life.
  • Diagnosis and Treatment Plan
    • Based on the assessment, the psychiatrist will determine if you have ADHD and recommend a treatment plan. This plan may include medication, behavioural therapy, or a combination of both. The plan will then be sent back to your referring GP.
  • Ongoing GP Care
    • If ADHD is diagnosed, you’ll typically have follow-up appointments with your GP to go through the psychiatrist’s plan and treatment options including medication options.
  • Starting Medications
    • Before starting medications your GP will need to run some tests to ensure medications are safe for you. Your GP will monitor your progress and make any necessary adjustments to your treatment plan as per your psychiatrist’s letter. Ongoing medication treatment may be provided by your GP for up to 2 years. After 2 years you will need a brief review with your psychiatrist if you wish to continue being prescribed by your GP.

It’s important to communicate openly with your healthcare providers throughout this process and to ask any questions you may have about your diagnosis and treatment plan. ADHD is a complex condition, and a comprehensive approach involving medication, therapy, and lifestyle changes can help manage symptoms and improve quality of life.